Design Technology | Food Technology
Key Stage 3 | Key Stage 4 | Key Stage 5

1. Light oven to Gas 4 or 170°c and grease a baking tray ready.

2. Place the flour and the caster sugar into the mixing bowl, then add the margarine.

3. Using your finger tips, rub in the margarine to the flour and sugar until they start to get sticky.

4. Knead the mixture into a ball using the palms of your hands.

5. Place the mixture onto a floured surface and lightly roll out the mixture until it is about 5mm thick.

6. Cut the dough into shapes and place onto the greased baking tray. Prick the dough with a fork.

7. Cook in the oven for 20 minutes or until golden brown.

8. remove from the oven and leave to cool on a cooling rack.


150g Plain Flour

50g Caster Sugar

100g Block Margarine


Large Mixing bowl



Baking tray


You can add lots of 'extras' to this recipe to give different tastes and textures including chocolate chips, cherries, Smarties or dried fruit. What things can you think of adding to the mixture? Remember be adventurous and creative!