Page 3 - Developing Ideas
Brainstorm all the food items you have found for the topic.
What are the strengths / weakness of them?

Can you develop any of them further for children?
Think size, colour, looks.

Select 5 or 6 that you could make and ensure that they have skill in them.

I have chosen to make …………because………

Reasons for choice


Explain why you have chosen to produce them?
Does it answer the question you've been set?
what goodness is in it? Explain the nutritional aspect of the meal.
What skills are in the dishes?
Are you learning new skills through doing it?
Does it fit in to the time aloud?
What are flavours like?
Is the appearance suitable for a child?
Can you afford the cost?
Do you have some of the ingredients in your cupboards at home?
Have you considered the weather? You don't want soup on a hot summers day!
Is there a contrast in the foods? e.g. textures, flavours etc

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